
Championing a Sustainable Earth: Nurturing Our Planet, Our Health, Our Future

Over 7 billion people have one thing in common, we share the same land, air, and water – and call planet Earth our home. In a finite world of resources, it is prudent to protect and utilize them responsibly. Additionally, soil is the foundation to our health and wellbeing – contaminated systems will negatively affect eco-systems, food chains, and people’s health. Let’s learn to cultivate natural green spaces, grow food without harmful chemicals, and not allow toxic additives in what we use, wear, or eat. Learn more from resources I helped develop below.

Our Shared Home


Over 7 billion people have one thing in common, we share the same land, air, and water – and call planet Earth our home. In a finite world of resources, it is prudent to protect and utilize them responsibly. Additionally, soil is the foundation to our health and wellbeing – contaminated systems will negatively affect eco-systems, food chains, and people’s health.

Preserving Our Planet

Let’s learn to cultivate natural green spaces, grow food without harmful chemicals, and not allow toxic additives in what we use, wear, or eat.

My Journey as an Environmental Educator

From Classroom to Community Advocacy

During the early 1990s, I served as an elementary school teacher and found myself faced with the task of creating a curriculum for the Recycling Unit. At that time, curbside pick-up had just begun, and textbooks offered no guidance on the subject. Through a combination of workshops, conferences, extensive reading, and personal exploration, I delved into the world of waste reduction and the best practices for managing materials that couldn’t be reduced, reused, recycled, or composted.

In my classroom, I introduced a vermi-composting bin, which provided an excellent opportunity to teach children about reusing and recycling food scraps. This practice continued until 2010 when legislation finally allowed for the mixing of food scraps with landscape organics in commercial composting. The more I learned, the more I was compelled to share my knowledge. I often joke that educators have no secrets – we willingly share everything.

In 1995, I embarked on a new chapter in my career when I was hired by the Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County (SWANCC). SWANCC is an intergovernmental agency comprised of 23 municipalities in north and northwest Cook County, Illinois. As the Recycling and Education Director for nearly 28 years, I assumed responsibility for developing and overseeing member communities’ special material programs, organizing one-day events, managing permanent collections, implementing school programs, conducting public outreach, creating educational resources, overseeing communications, and managing social media initiatives. I recently retired from this role in June 2023.

Noteworthy Achievements During My Tenure at SWANCC

During my dedicated tenure at SWANCC, several accomplishments stand out:

Illinois Councils and Professional Boards: I had the privilege of serving on various Illinois councils and professional boards, actively contributing to the state’s environmental initiatives.

Founding Member of the Illinois Food Scrap Coalition: In 2012, I played a pivotal role in establishing the Illinois Food Scrap Coalition, assuming leadership responsibilities by chairing the Coalition’s monthly meetings until December 2022.

Contribution to the Food Waste Reduction Toolkit: As part of the Wasted Food Action Alliance in 2020, I made valuable contributions to the development of the Food Waste Reduction Toolkit tailored for K-12 Illinois Schools.

IL Task Force for Recycling Contamination Solutions: I actively participated in the IL Task Force for Recycling Contamination Solutions, where I co-produced two informative videos: “Contamination – Was This YOU?” (2022) and “Recycling Can Be Easy” (2019).

Electronics Recycling Advocacy: In 2013, I wrote and produced the “Electronics Recycling Reuse and Recycling – Know the Law” video for Cook County, a vital resource in promoting responsible electronics recycling.

Recycling Works Tool Kit and Training Workshops: My contributions extended to co-writing the “Recycling Works Tool Kit” and conducting 12 training workshops across the state for the Illinois Recycling Association during 2010-2011.

Throughout my time at SWANCC, these endeavors garnered national and state recognition, furthering the cause of environmental sustainability and responsible waste management.


Steve Apotheker Award, Illinois Recycling Foundation/Association – this award recognizes an outstanding individual that has dedicated a significant number of years and quality of talent to promote and advance recycling in the State of Illinois.


Lifetime Achievement Award, Illinois Counties Solid Waste Management Association


Sustainability Award from the Glenview Sustainability and Natural Resources Commission in the category of Education and Outreach.


Sustainability Partnership Game Changer Award along with the Village of Mount Prospect, National Waste and Recycling Association


Public Health Partners in Excellence Award, Village of Skokie
2015: Distinguished Service Award, Illinois Counties Solid Waste Management Association


Outstanding Government Recycling Programs Award, Illinois Recycling Association


Excellence in School Curriculum Award, Solid Waste Association of North America


Outstanding Recycling Education Program Award, Illinois Recycling Association


Education Excellence Award, Solid Waste Association of North America

I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in teaching from Florida State University and held an active LEED Green Associate credential from the U.S. Green Building Council, from 2011 to 2021.

I have recently become a World Citizen Peace Ambassador committed to living the Five Peace Actions.

SEEK peace within yourself and others
REACH OUT in service
PROTECT the environment
RESPECT diversity
BE a responsible citizen of the world
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